ICT (level I – III)



Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an extended synonym, an umbrella term which contains both Information Technology (IT) as well as Communications Technology under its fold. Information Communication Technology is the integration of telecommunications in computing for effective access, storage, transmission, and manipulation of information.

This course is intended to equip the trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes which are responsive to the challenging needs in the computing industry. The course will allow the graduates to work in a salaried employment or self-employment.

This Certificate Level I-III programme, follows the Vocational Education and Training (VET) based curricula.

To achieve this, units such as entrepreneurship, communication skills and life skills have been included in the course work.


The minimum entry requirements to the certificate in Information and Communication Technology are Possession of at least two (2-3) passes excluding religious subjects in the Certificate of secondary Education Examination (CSEE).

Course Duration: Two Academic Years

Course Outline

Module I



ICT – 01 – 01

Maintaining Safety of workshop and surrounding

ICT – 01 – 02

Preforming preventive Maintenance of Tool equipment and computer

ICT – 01 – 03

Performing Electrical Joint

ICT – 01 – 04

Building Simple Electric Circuits

ICT – 01 – 05

Building Simple Electric Circuits

ICT – 01 – 06

Maintaining Computer and its Peripherals

ICT – 01 – 07

Maintaining Operating System

ICT – 01 – 07

Managing Word Processor and Spreadsheet Applications

Module II



ICT – 02 – 01

Maintaining Network and its Components

ICT – 02 – 02

Maintaining Network Software

ICT – 02 – 03

Managing Database and Presentation Application

FA 201

Field Attachment

Module III



ICT – 03 – 01

Manage safe work environment

ICT – 03 – 02

Maintaining websites

ICT – 03 – 03

Designing Graphics

ICT – 03 – 04

Managing internet services

ICT – 03 – 05

Basic Programming

ICT – 03 – 06

Managing preventive maintainances

ICT – 03 – 07

Managing workshop Activitis

FA 301

Field Attachment